PlaId TieS

Summer is here, and so the worries of dressing up, when everything is colorful, but fashion statements are about black and grey. Every color is used in block, which means that you wear black trousers with great solid color sweaters or shirts or whatever called "top" clothes, or the contrary which means color in your trousers, and there is where white gets into accesories.

But for those great shades of beige, white, grey, and baby blue, well here is a good option to stand out this summer popular clean looks, wear a tie, a plaid one, in plain shades or in "need for atention" colors, use them to pull out a smart sophisticated look for this summer, maybe with a cotton suit, a shirt and a summer sweater, and a cool pair of white slacks, there are great options in the market like the ones shown here from Burberry and Marc Jcobs, just used them if the heat let you. 


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